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A Message for Starseeds & Lightworkers - The Council of Light Channeled
The Council of Light consists of high vibrational, peaceful beings who are working with Earth and humanity in capacities of spirit guides and ambassadors, dedicated to the success of peace and prosperity on Earth. This book shares the transcriptions of the first vocally channeled message that came through the author, Amy Sikarskie.
The Council of Light shares loving reminders about the importance of being here on earth in the current times. They remind those that are starseeds and lightworkers about the importance of allowing themselves to experience joy, connection, peace, gratitude, and unity as they navigate our human experiences.
The messages shared are followed by behind-the-scenes insights as well as journal prompts for readers to reflect on their individual experiences and feelings.
The recorded video of Amy channeling this message from The Council of Light in Sedona, AZ can be accessed at
An International Amazon Best Seller
#1 New Release on Kindle
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Now Available In Italian
La grande guida al channeling. Tecniche pratiche per comunicare con i propri spiriti guida
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The Ultimate Guide to Channeling is perfect for anyone that is interested in connecting with their soul Light, spirit guides, ascended masters, angels and team in spirit.
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The Ultimate Guide to Channeling: Practical Techniques to Connect With Your Spirit Guides teaches you how to develop your intuitive communication skills with precision and safety.
You will also find valuable tools and techniques for energetic hygiene so that channeling can be done safely and accurately. Learn how to discern rogue and imposter spirits, clear energy after a channeling session and more important aspects of channeling.
Interested in communicating with your spirit guides, higher self, angels or other loving nonphysical beings?
The FREE Ebook by best selling author and Spirit School founder, Amy Sikarskie shares an introduction into spiritual communication and the art of channeling.
Amazon Best Seller
In Activating the Starseed, the second book in the Star-Seeded Ascension series, Amy shares her awakening and ascension experiences. Accompanied by the Archangel realm and star guides, the relayed messages bring readers up close and personal with the ascension process, sharing pertinent information regarding the light body and Earth's ascension. This invaluable text supports Lightworkers and Starseeds in their path of remembrance and the activation of their light body and star-seed. This book holds written and energetically coded messages from star councils and the Archangels.
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“This is a greeting for you the reader, as we welcome you to this book, to these teachings, and into these understandings. Please know that as you continue in your journeys of raising your vibrations and sharing your light, you are supported by the love divine. It is through your intentions and activations that your desired ascensions will relate your imparted knowledge, understandings, and remembrances. For once the light body is activated and the star seed (for those who are seeded) ignited, memories of your soul’s origin and purposes will unfold." -The Council of 8
Two Star-Seeded friends open themselves up to a higher power in a search for guidance. Each return to their higher self through hypnosis, and make connections with their Star Councils where they receive information for Starseeds, Lightworkers, and Energy Healers. Journey with the authors as they travel in their light bodies through time and space to recall soul memories. Boarding their ships, they take on their spirit names and meet with their council of guides where they receive guidance and information. Discover The Council’s descriptions of a Starseed and the processes involved in planning their incarnations. Learn how and why Starseeds are on Earth again and receive an introduction into the seed found in the intergalactic volunteers. This in-depth read into the interpersonal workings of spiritual councils and guides shares through channeled texts, information which offers encoded frequencies and provides opportunities for activations and light body ascensions.
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The 7 Personal Chakras is a reference guide that provides on-the-go access to information related to the seven major chakras. In this book, you will find a quick and easily accessible detailed chart for each of the seven personal chakras. Chakra characteristics include: name and location, symbol, color, tone, mantra, location, energetic anatomy, element, essential oil, clairsense, governing qualities, gemstone, symptoms of imbalance, affirmations and more.
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" This book is highly charged with Light energy. Upon receiving this book, along with Activating the Starseed, I felt much different. I carried this book with me everywhere I went, and now keep it next to my bed for a constant dose of Light. I felt myself charging (yes charging) while reading it, becoming more aware of everything around me. I feel more connected to my higher-self. It was like watching a movie of me talking to myself, telling me to remember things that I had already known. Just having this book makes me feel amazing. " - Kathleen
" This book is full of knowledge and awakenings for me. I am learning through the writings in this book. I get an idea and feel of 5D here. This book is so interesting I recommend it to those wanting to awaken and learn and connect more with the spiritual word that is here around us! Thank you Amy and Connie! I follow Amy on instagram for awakenings!!
"This book is brilliant! Amy and Connie, who are both starseeds, share messages and knowledge they have gained directly from their star councils. I loved reading about their personal experiences, and *in my mind* (lol) they feel like friends. I appreciate their vulnerability, and being able to do this because you can feel that they're all about service to the light.
They go in depth on many universal topics such as starseeds, dark entities/energies, Gaia, and even how they have lived in other planets/dimensions. (Though there is much more talked about that I can't fit in one review!)
Even the personal aspects of it will resonate with those who feel drawn to read the books. For myself, I feel it has already caused a shift in perspective and vibration. For one, it has shown me how I can take a better and more broader stance on helping Gaia at this time, as there is a great need for it.
This book and Activating the Starseed (the second book) also helped reignite my passion for sacred practices such as stargazing. That alone has brought about magical experiences, thus confirming the power of the stars. Overall, there is TONS of ancient, universal wisdom in here; perfect for those who are already in development with their gifts/spiritual knowledge and want to take that to another level.
I read Activating the Starseed first, because it was included with kindle unlimited. I found, however; that it was the most appropriate because it was the book I was drawn to read initially. So as Amy has said, there is no correct order in which to read the books, just in whatever way you feel called to. The knowledge shared in here is extensive and very high vibe in nature. I plan on re-reading both of the books often just to keep the information fresh, as there is so much to learn!
Thank you Amy, and thank you Connie; for allowing yourselves to be channels for these important messages. I feel they are vital and must reads for lightworkers, starseeds, crystals---or whatever you identify as. If you want to take your frequency to a cosmic level, this is the way to go! " - Elijah Garcia
"I pretty much cried through many of the chapters, it was almost like a code of remembering my light and my assignment here on the earth plane at this time of 'now'." -Karina Olszweski, Canada
“Activating The Starseed goes straight to the heart of enlightenment. I found that it offered practical steps toward raising one's frequency and understanding our energetic bodies, along with a nearly palpable energy that worked on other levels as I read the book. I truly enjoyed the chance to go along on Amy and Connie’s journey toward discovery as their friendship grew and as their insight from the councils strengthened and came together. As a whole, this book is a refreshing yet profound reminder that we are not alone, that we are here during this time frame for a reason, and that our light is spreading and taking root. I feel that this book will serve as a priceless tool toward the awakening, activation, and ascension of all who are led to it!” -Lindsay Golden Johnson,USA
"Oh boy where to begin lol:) If you are reading this review because you’re thinking about reading the book I would say go for it- because it must be for you:) I stumbled across @Starlightphotos on Instagram about 3-4 years ago and was grateful to have Amy and Connie’s Messages from the Councils to read. Because of this I couldn’t wait for Activating the Starseed to publish! And it has completely refined my understanding and purpose. It is a safe haven for me. While I read this, I feel whole and it continues after putting it down. The book is an experience in itself where one will encompass and experience what is being taught whole heartedly. .. So happy to make some sense of all this🌈 🧚🏻♀️ And also grateful for the gifts encoded within its literature. A personal favorite for sure ." -Colleen Gallagher
"This book has been one of the best books I've ever read. I truly mean that. It is right up there with Conversations with God. These books bring me back to that place of "remembrance." Where even though I'm just reading it for the first time it's like something I've intuitively felt before. Everything resonated so deeply with me. This book is a must have for anyone dedicating their life to being a channel for the light. Whether you're a starseed, lightworker, and the like. There is universal knowledge in here for everyone. Amy is clearly a sage from beyond, sharing her own experiences plus guidance from not just herself, but her star council. I couldn't recommend this book enough!!" - Elijah Garcia
" I purchased this book after tuning into Amy and Nicole on their Instagram live on Fridays. I've been wanting to read this book for a while and something clicked that day, when they answered a brief but important question for me. I received this book and immediately felt a powerful energetic connection and I hadn't opened up the front cover yet! I carry this book with me to and from work or I keep it next to my bed while I sleep. There is something inexplicably comforting, knowing I have this book close to me... like a postcard from home. This book is written like a telephone call directly for the reader and energetically charged for those who are seeking their Starseed connection. "
- Kathleen
"Amy's personal chakra reference guide is exactly what I needed! It contains all the information you need on the seven different chakras organized in a way that is easy to read and understand. This guide is very user friendly, no sifting through pages and pages of information. She includes so much information on the different chakras in a concise manner that I can't imagine ever needing to use anything else. If you are looking to learn more about the seven chakras I highly recommend this guide. Thanks Amy! " - Sophia Kheraj
" This is an amazing reference when learning about the chakras. Amy has a such a clear way of explaining the systems and how they are interwoven with who we are and what we may be experiencing. This book is must for any energy healer or student wanting to expand their knowledge base. " - Fernando
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