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Sessions are offered remote by phone, Skype audio and email. Amy uses the following frequencies and therapies to move energy in energy therapy sessions.
Aspects of Healing Sessions may include:
The initial First Time Client session provides a reading / assessment and energy therapy. Due to the nature of the session, please consider booking one of the longer times available.
Appointments are available by phone or Skype audio.
Marcell Vogel was a spiritual scientist who successfully pioneered the use of crystals in healing. While working for IBM, he designed and developed specifications for crystal healing applications. During a Crystal Light Table session, a cleared Vogel cut crystal is programmed with the clients desired intentions and "ignited". It is during this ceremonial process, that the intention for healing is set. The crystals amplify this intention as the programmed energy flows directly into the clients crown chakra, thus connecting and programming the clients body and energy with the changes desired.
Crystals hold energetic information and through this transference, the information is passed onto the client at a very real and deep cellular and energetic level. The use of a true Vogel cut crystal supports the client's session.
The Vogel cut crystals used are cut specifically to work with Amy Sikarskie and the Forsyth Crystal Light Table. Each crystal is handpicked and qualified as a healing crystal before being cut by a master artisan. The crystals used in session come from authentic cutters who were personally trained by Marcel before his transition, offering clients a high-quality experience.
Crystal Release
A crystal release is a process of connecting in with the root emotion or energy for extraction. This process is done with the Vogel crystal, utilizing intentions and a conscious awareness of the discomfort to be released.
Schedule your Energy Healing session Here and mention you'd like a crystal release in the comment section.
Crystal Singing Bowls offer a beautiful and relaxing approach to balancing and harmonizing our chakras and cleansing our auric field. Each chakra, or energy center, within our being vibrates at its own frequency. When played, each bowl resonates with its corresponding chakra. By aligning the appropriate Crystal Singing Bowl with the corresponding chakra, sound waves from the bowl travel into the chakra and assist in flushing out low vibrations and blocks, and bring the chakra into alignment through harmonic resonance. The harmonic induction offered to the chakra provides a smooth, nourishing bath of healing sound vibrations that permeate through the auric field and into the cellular levels of the body. I have really enjoyed working with the Crystal Singing Bowls and find that they truly resonate with and work with each client individually. They sing differently for each client and through connecting with the bowls, they create a beautiful song for each session.
Each chakra has specific properties and characteristics. In addition to color frequencies, they each resonate with their own vibration sound healing frequency. The bowls used are made from the highest quality all American quartz crystal, offering you a beautiful and rich sound experience.
The Crystal Singing bowls are a part of the Crystal Light Bed Session. Additionally, a 30 minute mini session is offered which includes sound healing from all bowls for a quick pick me up and balancing. Some light hands-on healing may be offered in conjunction when intuitively guided.
"When I offer distance energy healing sessions and Oneness Blessings, I sense them as either condensed forms of energy, perceived as a ball or bubble of energy, or a steadily flowing stream of energy. Both of which are divinely guided. As I channel in and open up to the energy of the divine universal consciousness, I form a “bubble” or stream and send it to the client.
To receive a session, schedule here.
At the time of your appointment, relax and receive the energy. The energy in distance sessions comes in very concentrated, so for me as it flows to the client, it may take longer than the scheduled time to fully integrate, so be sure relax until the energy subsides. Often the receiver will continue integrating the energy for the next day or so.
In the distance sessions the scheduled time is spent tuning into the client's energy body, channeling healing energies, and making notes. For the scheduled "first-time client" sessions, additional time is provided for the assessment period. In distance sessions I am involved in the healing work by moving and directing energies, clearing low vibrations, balancing chakras, etc.. and using other techniques that I would use in an in-person session. As I tune in with the client, I am able to sense through clairvoyance (sight) and Clairsentience (feeling) what is happening, and often receive information for the client. At the close of this session, I send session notes via text or email, which lets the client know all that I experienced and what I perceived to be happening. This can be very validating, as the client often will recognize aspects within the notes that match their experience. The energy comes in concentrated from time to time and may continue adjusting and working with the client for hours after I have finished working.
The format of a remote session includes a brief connection with the client to establish that we are both ready to begin, and a lengthier conversation for First-Time clients. We then hang up the phone, unless guided or requested otherwise, and the client relaxes for the next 45-60 min. Some clients opt to not connect by phone and relax at the scheduled time.
During the session, I tune into the client and work with the assistance of healing energies. When the energy has completed it's channel through me, I make notes and text the client to let them know of the session's closure on my end. Often the energies will continue working through the remainder of the day/evening and sometimes into the next day and week as the client assimilates the session's adjustments.
I offer Distance sessions for Oneness Blessings, Reconnective Healings, Reiki, and Earth-Based energy healing. If you prefer one frequency over the other, please let me know by email. To book a session, please visit the scheduling link here.
The session will begin at the scheduled day/time. You should relax in a comfortable position, in a quiet, alone place, you may put on some relaxing music if you’d like. Take some deep relaxing breaths and through your intention open up and invite in the blessing / energy healing. You might ask the Universal Divinely Guided energy to be with you and assist in releasing and healing any and all aspects that are the most appropriate. You may also choose
to request the assistance of your Spiritual Healing Team, Archangels, and Spiritual Figures. This will set up the space for your session to begin.
Then just relax and notice how you feel, notice any sensations, or experiences you may have. They may be subtle or stronger. Some sensations experienced by clients and myself include:
If at any time a sensation is too strong, just breathe through it. Stay with the sensation as it clears and releases the low vibe blocks and energy from your field.
From time to time, I am asked to explain the experience and science behind distance / remote healing sessions. While I'm not a scientist, I will do my best to provide resources. I can only speak from my personal experiences and the feedback of others who have received distance bubbles, sessions or blessings.
When I first heard of and learned this concept, I too questioned, “how does this work”. However, after I experienced a remote Reiki offering, I didn't feel I needed to know “how” in order to receive the benefits. I had received my own personal experience in recognizing and sensing the energy as it greeted my field and worked with me. The strongest sensation for me was a very distinct, high-pitched humming tone that hovered over my ears. I then felt my ears receiving warmth from the energy. After the session, the Reiki practitioner explained she started working with my head and ears. This experience happened back in 2001 and is still very significant for me. This simple phenomenon and the undeniable way in which the energy offered its presence to me was enough to get me started in further working with distance sessions.
There is a scientific, quantum physics explanation of this process that I will leave up to the experts in the field of science. I attended a lecture presented in 2013 by Dr. William Tiller, of the William Tiller Foundation. It all made sense as he was presenting the information, but I would have a hard time explaining it myself. He does a beautiful job in explaining healing through time and space with quantum physics in this article. Dr. Tiller has published many papers and books and appeared in the movie What the Bleep do we Know.
I tend to look at remote healing process as being in alignment with prayer. We are all familiar with the concept of prayer and we often pray for those who are not physically in our presence. In Lynne McTaggart's book, The Field, she discusses a randomized, double-blind trial which set out to see
"...whether remote prayer would have any effect on patients in a coronary care unit. Over 10 months, nearly 400 patients were divided into two groups, and only half (unbeknownst to them) were prayed for by a Christian prayer group outside the hospital. All patients had been evaluated, and there was no statistical difference in their condition before treatment. However, after treatment, those who’d been prayed for had significantly less severe symptoms and fewer instances of pneumonia and also required less assistance on a ventilator and fewer antibiotics than patients who hadn’t been prayed for.”
-Lynne McTaggart, “The Field: The Quest for the Secret Force of the Universe,” (186-7)
I feel this study shows the effectiveness that our intentions and directed flow of divinely accessible energies can have on others who are not near us. The Field is said to be very informative on quantum physics and distance healing. I have heard a lot about her and her work, however, I haven’t read her books. Mostly because, from my personal experiences, I know it works, and secondly I have a whole stack of books waiting to get through. If you’re interested, check out her work for a more scientific explanation. : )
All Rights Reserved. Services are not a replacement for legal or medical care. Amy is not a lawyer, CPA, certified counselor or doctor and encourages you to continue care with your licensed specialists.
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Amy shares group healing sessions each month at Spirit School . RSVP or join a replay today and commit to your energetic health & the amplification of your intuition.